
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Zoo Trip

Auckland Zoo Recount

When we arrived at the zoo, we went to see the red pandas and then I saw two on top of the tree and they were sleeping in the tree. I said it was cute I and Fala and then we went to Australia we saw some meerkats. It was trying to come on my hand but it didn't.

Next we went with Hohepa first we saw two cheetah and one was on the ground and it was sleeping. One was in the sun rexl and the cheetah can run fast we went to see the baboons and I could not see it but miss mae show me. Then I saw it and then it stand up and then it had a pink bum. 

Then we went to see the zoo Keeper opened Burma mouth and everyone said ohhhh and then we saw the flamingos. They were making lots of sound and then we went to the steps and  we had our lunch.

We saw some ostrich, and some zebra, and some giraffe the zebra were eating hay.The giraffe were eating the trees and then the ostrich were at the gate all together.

Finally we went to the playground and then we put our bags on the chair. First I try the little one but it was not that fun. I try the big side and it was fun  I side down on my stomach and it was cool and then I try it again and again. Miss kirkpatrick said go to your adult and then I said everyone side down but everyone was still standing there. 

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